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elementary operation中文是什么意思

用"elementary operation"造句"elementary operation"怎么读"elementary operation" in a sentence


  • 初等运算
  • 基本操作, 基本运算
  • 基本运算


  • The brief proof is given for " row elementary operations keep the linear relationship of column vectors of matrix " , by using multiplication of partitioned matrix and the relation between elementary matrix and elementary operation
  • During the time of developing this system , the elementary operation of the ship company and the working procedure was invested . the technology method of developing the mis was studied and the method of ship mis was designed on the platform of windows nt
  • How to unify its actual situation , and to explore a set of elementary operation pattern of services marketing , and to develop the service marketing activity of its own , these have become an important topic which every securities company awaits to be solved urgently
用"elementary operation"造句  
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